Questions about protein have to be the most common for vegans. Where do you get it? Am I getting enough? Should I take protein supplements?
In today's episode, we sit down with Dr. Garth Davis, author of the new book Proteinaholic: How Our Obsession with Meat Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It.
His unique take on protein helps to address those common questions, and the answers may just surprise you.
It's holiday season, which can only mean one thing: It's time for a holiday extravaganza!
In today's post, Doug and I cover all things holiday in one epic episode. We discuss how to handle awkward Thanksgiving dinners with non-vegan family, sticking to healthy habits when cookies are everywhere, and our go-to holiday meals, recipes, and adult beverages. We also share this year's gift guide, and which movies and music we'll enjoy to put us in the spirit.
It's a long episode, but definitely goes on the not-to-miss list!
Today we bring back on one of our most popular guests, Jeff Sanders, to talk about his new book The 5 AM Miracle. Jeff is all about waking up early, and using those morning hours to set up the rest of your day. The crazy thing is he's actually convinced me to do the same.
Today we're bringing back Ray Cronise, a good friend, and the guy behind some of the most interesting nutrition related research out there. We'll chat about his recent water fast, and the research behind his new book 'Our Broken Plate', which happens to be blowing up Kickstarter as we speak.
By now you've probably heard that my family and I spent most of the summer living at friend's houses after a flood destroyed ours. The uncomfortable living situation, lack of personal space, and wacky routine, meant healthy eating wasn't even on our radars.
Now, after a month in our new home, we've hit the reset button on our health. In today's episode, we share the 5 food habits my family and I reset first, and how you can stay on top of your health this holiday season.